Construction Supervision of Souf Water Network in Jerash Governorate and Al-Karama Pumping Station .


13 January 2019



Construction Supervision of Souf Water Network in Jerash Governorate and Al-Karama Pumping Station .

Location: Jordan

Date:  April/ 2009 – July/ 2014

Client: Ministry of Water & Irrigation / Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ)


Souf Town is located on the north of Jordan, approximately 50 KM north of Amman and Alkarameh Town is located on the West of Jordan 60 KM from Amman city (the capital of Jordan). The two towns have experienced significant population growth within the last 5 years. At present the existing water networks cannot sustain the supply of water to the whole population.

RUQN Conducted the construction Supervision and close out of the project.
